Image-Guided SRT

Alliance Dermatology is proud to offer Image-Guided SRT a nonsurgical treatment that uses low levels of X-ray energy to kill cancer cells and allow normal tissue to grow back in its place.If you’ve been diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or some other form of non-melanoma skin cancer and have been told you need Mohs surgery, call us today to schedule an appointment to see if you’re a candidate for a less invasive alternative.

What to expect

With Image-Guided SRT, you will sit and a gel will be applied at the site of the cancer. Using an imaging wand, we can look at a detailed image of the cancer on screen and use that image to measure the size and shape of the tumor, calculate the dose of treatment, and define the treatment area. Once complete, the arm of the device will be placed over the treatment site and the exact dose of x-ray energy will be used to precisely target the cancer site without harming the healthy tissue around it. Each treatment session takes about 15 minutes from the time you walk in the door to when you leave the office. You’ll come back several times a week for a short treatment session, and in 4 to 7 weeks treatment will be complete.

The most recent large-scale study on Image Guided SRT shows a cure rate of greater than 99%, which is equal to or better than the treatment rate experienced with Mohs surgery.

Advantages of Image-Guided SRT

  • You’re typically in and out of the dermatologist’s office in 15 minutes or less
  • No cutting, no bleeding, no stitches, no surgical scars
  • No need for reconstruction surgery
  • Quick recovery time
  • Reduced risk for infection
  • Reduced risk for short-or long-term nerve damage
  • No anesthesia usage
  • No post-surgery downtime or discomfort

The Difference Between Image-Guided SRT & Other Radiation Options

There are several different radiation-based technologies for the treatment of skin cancer. Cure rates and cosmetic outcomes vary based on the technology and protocol. We use only Image-Guided SRT because both the cure rate and cosmetic results are superior to all other radiation-based options. If you’re considering radiation therapy, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting Image-Guided SRT with an adaptive radiotherapy protocol. It’s the gentler way to treat skin cancer. More information about this therapy is available at

Treatment Results

DISCLAIMER: No two cases are identical,and outcomes may vary from patient to patient, but the pictures below aretypical of the outcomes seen by patients receiving Image-Guided SRT.

Patient Satisfaction

Over the past five years, more than 40,000 people have chosen to have their skin cancer treated with Image-Guided SRT. More than 6,500 of those have responded to a patient satisfaction survey and more than 99.8% have said that they were both happy with their choice to treat with Image-Guided SRT and would recommend the treatment option to others.

Side effects and cosmetic results

When x-ray therapy is used to kill cancer cells, over time your body will replace dead cancer cells with healthy tissue, so there is no surgical scarring and no need for reconstructive surgery. There is, however, a small risk of skin atrophy (thinning of the skin) and pigment changes (changes in the color of the skin) at the treatment site. Other potential side effects may include skin inflammation with redness and swelling at the treatment site. Topical creams or ointments can be used throughout the course of treatment to minimize these side effects and, 2 to 6 weeks after treatment is complete, these side effects often go away. There is alsoa risk of alopecia (hair loss) in the area of the body that has been treated. There is a less than 5% chance of developing a secondary skin cancer 20 to 40 years after treatment.

Insurance coverage

With most insurance plans, you may have to pay some out-of-pocket cost. The cost is dependent on your specific health plan coverage and deductible policy. The amount can range from very little out-of-pocket expense to a few thousand dollars. We will work with your insurance plan to find out the cost to you before you commit to any specific treatment option, including Image-Guided SRT.

We will work with your insurance plan to find out the cost to you before you commit to any specific treatment option, including Image-Guided SRT. We also offer CareCredit, payment plans, and hardship options to help you with any out-of-pocket expenses.